Friday 30 May 2014

GUEST BLOG - 30th May 2014 - Adrian Hosford

Moodscope: born to help manage mood

I've been a Moodscope user for nearly four years and it's a brilliant tool for tracking mood, which in turn helps you identify triggers for depression. The website also sends you a supportive email every morning, especially helpful as those with depression are often at their worst at that time. Here the Chairman of moodscope, Adrian Hosford, shares the inspiration behind the service.

For 20 years I knew my friend Jon was an extraordinary creative person who I could rely on to solve tricky communication problems. I never knew he suffered from heavy bouts of depression. 5 years ago he hit a very dark place and in desperation turned his mind to tackle how he might manage his mood. He found the world’s most robust scientific mood test (Panas) and used it as the basis for accurate daily tracking of his mood. The combination of 20 positive and negative descriptive adjectives like ‘interested’ & ‘irritable’ gave him an informed understanding of his mood. He put it online and made the selection of how strongly he felt on each adjective (not at all, a little, quite a bit, extremely) an intuitive game. The results were uncannily accurate and Jon began to understand his moods better as each day was plotted on a graph where he could record his thoughts. He felt better and started automatically sharing his scores with a few friends who wanted to support him. He felt even better.

One of his closest friends Caroline, Jon and I got together. Imagine, we mussed, what it would be like if everyone who wanted to positively manage their mood could do so easily. Could that not help make a better world?  Moodscope was born.

Thousands of people joined and we undertook independently verified research which showed it worked if most people who took the test regularly. It worked even better for those who shared their score with friends. In fact on a large sample of early users the average mood improved 60% over 90 days. With help from Unlimited we redid the online system to handle as many people as wanted to use it. Today over 60,000 people have signed up and 35,000 people ask for the daily message reminder from other Moodscope users who share their experience.

Jon has moved on and is now a creative digital entrepreneur in Silicon Valley so Caroline & I manage Moodscope as a private company with a social purpose. We keep the basic version free so that anyone in need can use it. We have premium versions with a small monthly charge, so we can afford to maintain and develop it (a phone app coming soon). Why not try it and see if it works for you by visiting Like brushing your teeth, it only takes a few minutes but can improve your mood day by day.

Adrian Hosford
Moodscope Chairman                                                

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